Auditing and Tax Consulting

Our auditing and tax counselling work objectifies the examining and evaluation of tax planning, procedure efficiencies and tax control of the operations, payments and tax recovery, as well as any burden related to fiscal-tax focused on the operations, goods and documents.

There are countless benefits from working with us, among them:

a) Enable cost lowering (elimination of unnecessary tax penalties and identification of legal ways to receive tax discounts and benefits);

b) Assistance in preventing and management financial crises;

c) Collaborate in the process of due diligence, mergers, acquisitions or selling of companies;

d) Allow for better prior planning, which is the most important foundation to enable profitability and a successful business;

e) Aggregating deep knowledge of the business operations;

f) Decreasing tax impact on the business, increasing the business competitiveness and promoting cash flow thus favoring the return of the capital invested, and in the end enabling new investments;

g) Promoting business management improvements and guaranteeing quality management of fiscal-tax obligations;

h) Identifying the constant tax law changes that can possibly affect directly or indirectly the business.


Tax planning and corporate planning

The work of tax/corporate planning covers the study and comprehension of the business-client to develop scenarios that enable tax savings on the enterprise in course. It also helps with the implementation of new projects to indicate better tax options. In other words, the best tax option that will result in better capitalization for the business during the implementation phase.

Investigation of the fiscal opportunities (tax credits)

Since the verification and calculation of tax and duties are very complex, along with the necessity to accomplish timelines by strict due dates established by the fiscal laws, it is very common that tax credits are not identified in a timely fashion by the corporations in general.

Our job regarding fiscal opportunities has the final objective of identifying, quantifying and recovering those hidden assets that can be used by the corporation’s administration.

We also highlight that facing the delicate current economic situation, these activities are fundamental to allow safe and efficient self-financing. By our criteria, the tax credits identified and utilized will always be admitted by the Receita Federal do Brasil (Federal Revenue Office) or favored by the CARF – (Federal Taxpayers Council).

For fiscal opportunities that depend on future judicial decisions, we will work on their identification and quantification. In addition, our firm will present to the corporation’s administration similar cases, laws and jurisprudence, giving them the chance to decide if these specific fiscal opportunities should be used.


Evaluation of internal control system for fiscal activities

As result of the information technology evolution, the Receita Federal do Brasil (Federal Revenue Office) implemented a diversity of ancillary obligations that allows it to process a rigorous follow up of the taxpayers’ activities. Such as the ECD – Escrituração Contábil Digital (digital bookkeeping) and other similar processes.
Thus, all information that is being generated inside the corporate environment is being monitored (operation by operation) analytically by the federal tax agency. Therefore the internal control system must have the most accurate information without conflicts or misunderstandings that could affect negatively the correct tax calculation and consequently generate future fiscal contingencies.

Our evaluation of the internal control systems consists of reviewing the methodology and procedures adopted by the corporation during fiscal registration and classification of the clients, suppliers and products; therefore guaranteeing that the information, that serves as the base for taxes calculation, is free of distortions that can compromise their proper quantification.

We highlight that during our work we implement modifications in the IT systems regarding classifications of clients, suppliers and products. We also implement modifications of internal policies in order to avoid imputations of wrong data that can compromise the operational reliability.

Accounting and Fiscal Reports

Our work includes the elaboration of accounting and fiscal reports with the aim of proving allegations argued in tax litigations before administrative levels.

We emphasize that success of the administrative disputes must go through proving the allegations presented in the respective defense, challenging a tax assessment notice, which is only possible mediated by a specific accounting and fiscal report.

Transfer Price

Transfer prices are the prices practiced during the buying and selling (transfer) of goods, rights and services between related parties on import and export transactions. In special circumstances between related parties these prices may be artificially stipulated and consequently diverge from the true market price negotiated by independent persons.

For this reason, the Receita Federal do Brasil (Federal Revenue Office) requires a diverse system of controls to certify that the prices practiced are compatible with the market prices within independent companies. We emphasize that the lack of maintenance of such system of controls, or the elaboration of controls incompatible with the pertinent legislation for transfer prices, increases the risk for tax contingencies on corporations.

On this item, our work encompasses everything from the implantation of such fiscal control up to the revision of existing controls, assuring that these are according to the pertinent legislations.

Revision of debts included in special installments

We provide the revision and qualification of debts included in special installments programs, with the aim of identifying mistakes and recovering/reimbursing amounts that were wrongfully paid and/or equivocally accounted for (charged by tax authorities).



Our work is realized through procedures that complete the agenda previously outlined, with that, we highlight the following:

• Examine: Analysis of books, registries, reports, transactions and documents;

• Inspections: due diligence that aim at verifying situations or facts in circumstantial forms;

• Inquiries: researching via interviews with experts in the specific business field;

• Investigations: bringing to light what may be in the dark due to whatever circumstances;

• Measurement/Evaluations: physical quantification of goods, rights, obligations, expenses and incomes;

• Certification: certifying information and reports which will be used for the services.